Virginia Science Olympiad
We are Virginia Science Olympiad, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization promoting STEM learning through team-based competitive tournaments. Students in grades 3 - 12 apply their math, science, and engineering skills to a breadth of topics from anatomy to circuits to forensics.
We are proud of the work we are doing and think that there are many reasons to support us!

Science Olympiad's unique structure:
Appeals to students with different skills and learning styles
Gives exposure to topics outside standard curricula
Provides a team structure for a collaborative and social experience
Meet some of our Alumni Volunteers!

Our photographer, Patrick Killoran, earned his Alaska high school the spirit award at a National Tournament for making a video interviewing lots of the other teams. All these years later, he's now a parent to a competitor, and he's still showing us those magical Science Olympiad moments through his photography! (Did you spot that he turned his national Bungee Egg Drop gold medal into a name tag?)

One of our long-time building event supervisors, Kyle Pyne, is an alum of the Longfellow MS team and made it to Nationals both his 7th and 8th grade years. Now he's an aerospace engineer at Aurora Flight Sciences, and he often organizes groups of his coworkers to volunteer and is helping us pursue sponsorship opportunities with his company. Lately you might've seen him judging Storm the Castle, which was one of his favorite events as a competitor!

During his final year as a competitor at TJHSST, Alvin Meng co-founded a network of VA high schoolers to help Div B students, and they held a whopping 150 mentoring sessions in their first year. Now Alvin is the president of SO@UVA, and you can always catch him ESing at our Charlottesville area tournaments!

Our photographer, Patrick Killoran, earned his Alaska high school the spirit award at a National Tournament for making a video interviewing lots of the other teams. All these years later, he's now a parent to a competitor, and he's still showing us those magical Science Olympiad moments through his photography! (Did you spot that he turned his national Bungee Egg Drop gold medal into a name tag?)